7 Day Old Eli | Massachusetts and Rhode Island Natural Light Newborn Photographer

Ohh what a sleepy adorable little one.  He came in the studio and didn’t wake up for a solid two hours… we just plopped him around snapping away!  Once he woke up though, he was totally finished… all he wanted was his beautiful mom!  I was very pleased with the session at that point though, and they have so many photos to choose from!  Look at his precious skin and his deep dreamy sleeping face.  He is such a wonderful addition to their family!

Newborn Tyler and Big Brother Michael | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Newborn Baby Photography

I had the pleasure of photographing beautiful Tyler and his adorable big brother Michael this morning!  The session started off a little embarrassingly (after falling and scratching my neck on the key left in my door, followed by spraying my seltzer water all over the place ten minutes later), but quickly improved as we began photographing!  This family is amazing.. from perfectly scattered freckles to super light skin, and  bright colorful eyes to photogenic personalities… I had a fantastic time.  I love all of the different families I get to meet in my job!  Thank you again for coming into the studio!

Newborn Teddy | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Newborn Photography

Awww little Teddy came to the studio yesterday!  He looks so much like his father, but has the hair and eye color of his mother… what an amazing mix of the two!

It was wonderful seeing mom and dad again, I had such a great time with them during their maternity session and was really looking forward to meeting their new son!


Newborn Landon | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Natural Light Newborn Photography

Little Landon!  He has the most AMAZING eyelashes I have ever seen!  After a short while of total alertness.. with his eyes wide open staring at the world around him, he fell asleep and rested like a tiny angel.  I was able to fold him and squish him and put him in all of our cute little pots and baskets!

Mom and dad always have me laughing up a storm when I see them… I bet this boy is going to have quite a personality!