Newborn Scarlett | Rhode Island and MA Newborn Baby Photography

Little Scarlett traveled to our studio with the most precious little red tutu and headband to match her name.  She was the happiest baby I think I have ever met!  She barely fussed at all, and I swear her smiles were the real thing!  All she did was gaze out the window and play with her arms smiling when we were taking photos on the bed!

It was really great seeing mom again… and to hear that she has a healthy family means the world to me!

Newborn Mason | Rhode Island Newborn Baby Photographer


WOW!  It has been so long since I have posted!!  As I wrote on FB earlier… I was feeling so behind with sessions piling up that had to get edited, so last week was dedicated to sitting behind the computer.  How I have missed snuggling with the little 7 pounders!

Mason was the best welcome back baby I could have hoped for… he slept so soundly, and let me move him around without any complaints!

Mom and dad were a total pleasure to have as company…  you can tell Mason’s got a great life ahead of him!

I can’t wait to show you the rest!

Baby Jane | Rhode Island Newborn Baby Photography

Little Jane was the last lady to use our indoor garden!  It seems silly to be planting flowers indoors for newborns when there is so much beauty outside during these months… but you would be surprised at the difference between getting them to sleep inside vs outside!

Jane is beautiful and such a little doll.. I love how we fit her into her great grandmother’s old sewing basket!

It was nice to see her mom and dad again!

Newborn Desmond The Large | Rhode Island and Connecticut Newborn Baby Photography

This family traveled quite a distance to have newborn Desmond’s photos taken.  We did their maternity photos at Roger Williams park which we had a beautiful warm day for.  You can tell by the size of Miss T’s belly, that her baby was no 5 pounder.  In fact, he was born 10 pounds 9 ounces!  Yes, you read it correctly!

I can tell that my mother cherishes every moment she holds my daughter, and I often see the same look in the eyes of grandma’s that join in on the photo shoot at the studio.  Grandma’s and Grandpa’s you are ALWAYS welcome here!