Aidan | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Baby and Child Photography

I cannot stop laughing… it’s that smile!  Look at that smile!  How does he do it?!

Aidan had me running around the park just as I had expected.. he is a very quick little one, but stopped often to give that spectacular face!

I remember I had asked mom if she thought he would still be in a good mood in the late afternoon, or if we should do the shoot early in the morning.  She told me she didn’t think it would be a problem…. and boy, was she right!    I don’t think he even knows how to make a frown!

Big Drew | RI and MA Baby Photography

“Oh just one sharp photo of his face.. one sharp photo of his face”  This is the chant that I recited in my head within minutes after meeting this energetic, adorable, and FAST little boy.  He definitely had me (and mom and dad) running after him for the entire session!  Who likes stiff looking portraits anyway?  Isn’t this the way it should be?!

I’m so happy I got to meet Drew, and had all of the laughs that I did; and to add icing on the cake… I even got a few sharp images!

Anna | RI and MA Baby Photography

Who loves the sun?  Me.. I love everything about it.. I love the song, I love the warmth, and I love the light.. but most of all.. I love when it is behind clouds.  Yes, I prefer a cloudy day!  The light was so soft this morning, and it was perfect for the perfect little lady I was able to photograph!  Her brown eyes are so piercing.. and her stare is so captivating!  I had a great time, thank you!

Nine Month Ella! | RI and MA Baby Photography

ooooooo she is so cute it makes me squeal!  This orchard is beautiful….full of bees and spiders and mud, but beautiful!!!  Ella was a great little model, and she loved the apples and rocked the most adorable knit hats!  I can’t believe our cake smash in a couple of months will be the end of our first year together…   I can’t wait to edit the rest of these.