Colton, Hunter, and Brody | Rhode Island Child and Family Photography

Three boys under four.  Get my gist?

Mom and dad are amazing…. sometimes I feel as though I can’t handle my ONE.. my… ONE …DAUGHTER.  This is the type of family that really puts me in my place!  The boys were all excellent, and very well behaved.  Mom and dad had this wonderful coolness about them.  All in all, it was a great experience, and I hope they love how it turned out!

Six Month Twins Grace and Grant! | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Twin Baby Photography

I first met Grace and Grant six months ago for their newborn photos.  I am amazed at how they have turned out!  Their smiles are contagious, and their eyes glisten!  They were both so fantastic this morning for our shoot at Colt State Park. With two adorable babies, two adorable dogs, and two … well… adorable parents, I couldn’t of asked for a better Monday morning!