Liam’s First Birthday! | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Baby Photography

I love smiley red-heads!  Liam was a hit in the studio..  I was sad to see him leave!
In her words:
“Liam is truly a one-of-a-kind little man-an extremely loving, curious, and adorably quirky soul. To know him is to realize that children are the most amazing gifts anyone can receive. Many parents share their accounts of how and what they’ve taught their children, and yes, we have taught Liam many things. For example, he can say dog, bubbles, and bird, to name a few. He also loves Adele and enjoys a dance or two to songs by The Black Eyed Peas. But in actuality, Liam has been the one teaching us the last 12 months. He made us realize that our hearts were only half full; he filled up the remainder upon his arrival. We discovered that we weren’t simply staring into the eyes of our baby, but gazing at the beautiful and perfect product of two people who had built an unshakeable foundation for many years. We learned that screaming and barking like a dog in public places was okay, even pretty liberating! We witnessed true innocence, curiosity, inexplicable joy, love and humor, all of which we feel forever grateful that our son let us share with him. We always ask ourselves, “How could life possibly get any richer or more fulfilling?” The answer lies in the mind, body, and soul of our son, Liam. Happy 1st birthday to our sweet dude.”

Newborn Landon | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Newborn Baby Photography

He went from being alert with shockingly strong eye contact, to a sleepy moldable bliss….

And here is her story…

In her words:

“After being told at my 39 week prenatal visit that I hadn’t dilated at all, I mentally prepared myself to go past my due date.  Friends and family would call every day to check in and see if I had any news, but I didn’t.  I started telling everyone that I would most likely be induced early in May and that I would call them if anything were to change.  Well, fast forward 4 short days later and things began to change. I finally had news to share!!
I went to bed Thursday night feeling great.  Around midnight I got up to make my usual bathroom run and felt something pop. I immediately turned on the lights to discover that my water broke! I noticed right away that there were signs of meconium in the fluid, so I didn’t waste any time. I showered, dressed and packed my hospital bag… made a quick sandwich, and by the time my husband walked in the door after working second shift, I told him to turn right around because it was “time” and we were in labor!It was a slow night in triage so we were admitted right away, and within the hour we were transported to the Labor & Delivery floor.  Since I still did not yet have any contractions, the doctor decided to start me on Pitocin to move things along. Knowing that the water had meconium in it, the plan was to deliver within 24 hours for the safety of the baby, so the nurse slowly bumped up the Pitocin every hour to get labor going. By 5pm contractions were coming faster and stronger. I started to get really uncomfortable. The nurse thought I was in a transition stage, and I decided it was time to get the epidural so that I could ride out the next few hours of labor. After the epidural started, everything changed. I was relaxed and calm and even took a quick nap. Around 7pm the nurses changed shifts and when my new nurse came in to introduce herself to me, she told me that she wanted me to change positions because the baby was not liking the side I was lying on. I flipped over to the other side and began dozing off again, when the nurse came back into the room with oxygen this time. She said the baby was still not happy and she wanted me to put the oxygen mask on to see if we could get his heart rate back up. After 15 minutes, two other nurses came into my room and asked if she needed help. I knew that was a bad sign. My nurse asked them to call my doctor and send her in to check on us. The doctor arrived a few moments later, she checked me and said that I had not dilated as much as I should have and that she wanted to set up an internal monitor on the baby’s head to get a more accurate read on his heart rate and my contractions. After that was in place, we realized that things were more serious then we thought. The baby’s heart rate was extremely low and she suggested doing an emergency C-Section at that point. We all agreed it was the right thing to do, so within 5 minutes I was whisked to the O.R., and 15 minutes later, our son was born at 9:19pm (which also happens to be the date of our wedding anniversary!). 
We heard his loud cries immediately, but we were not out of the woods just yet. The entire room got eerily quiet and we heard my doctor start counting. My husband and I were terrified and just stared at each other trying to figure out what was going on. After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally peeked her head over the sterile drape and told us that Landon had managed to get the umbilical cord wrapped around his tiny neck 4 times!! We were in shock. The NICU team was standing by and rushed him over to one side of the room to suction the meconium out of his lungs and throat, and make sure that he was breathing okay. After a few stressful minutes, they finally told us that he was healthy, pink, breathing on his own and there was no lasting effects from the cord. They handed him off to my husband and when I finally came out of recovery I was rejoined with my new family. 
While the meconium and umbilical cord gave us a scare and caused our plans to change a bit, we are so blessed that everything else was absolutely perfect and our son didn’t make us wait until May to meet him. We truly believe that everything happens for a reason and we feel so honored to be home together as a happy, healthy family.”

Newborn Baby Carter | Rhode Island and Boston Newborn Baby Photographer

Beautiful, sleepy, new Carter… thank you for coming to the studio!

In her words:


“I knew right from the beginning that Carter was going to be a special little man.  His conception was not planned, but right from the start we welcomed whoever decided to enter our world in 9 months.

As the months passed, Carter developed perfectly and on April 22, he decided that it was time.  He was scheduled to arrive on the 24th via cesarean, but in true Pina fashion, he couldn’t wait.  Contractions started early that morning and by one o’clock they were in full force.  By the time we got to the hospital the contractions were about a minute and a half apart and I was prepped for a c-section.  Forty-five minutes later, as we waited for the anesthesiologist, he was born VBAC.

Carter entered the world at 5:00pm without a tear in his little eyes.  He was such a peanut weighing in at 5 lbs.  10 oz. and only 18 inches long.  Looking down at him for the first time brought tears to my eyes.  He was so sweet snuggling up against me for his first hour of life staring at me with those alert little eyes saying “Here I am mommy!””


Jack’s Messy Cake! | Happy First Birthday Rhode Island Cake Smash Photographer

Aww Jack is almost one!  I met him last fall during a family session at Coggeshall Farm…. he still has those remarkable eyes that photograph so well!

His mom and dad wanted to share a little of his personality with you:


“Jack is 11 months old and is energetic, adventurous, and inquisitive to his new world. He greets everyone with  his loving smile and often impish grin”