7 Day Old Eli | Massachusetts and Rhode Island Natural Light Newborn Photographer

Ohh what a sleepy adorable little one.  He came in the studio and didn’t wake up for a solid two hours… we just plopped him around snapping away!  Once he woke up though, he was totally finished… all he wanted was his beautiful mom!  I was very pleased with the session at that point though, and they have so many photos to choose from!  Look at his precious skin and his deep dreamy sleeping face.  He is such a wonderful addition to their family!

Family | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Family Photographer

wooo it was cold!  This family just oozed love and happiness.. they had such great natural smiles and were a ton of fun to be with!  Nick, the son was extremely athletic and had about a trillion times more energy than I.. (thankfully, because it made for some great photographs!)

I had a great time!   Thanks again!

Logan’s First Birthday Cake Smash! | Rhode Island and MA First Birthday Cake Smash Photography

Ohhhh I am resisting such temptation with this blog post;  I would love so badly to post the image of mom trying to pick up Logan without getting chocolate on her.. and also.. the picture of mom after Logan’s bath when Logan emptied his bladder on her!  This coming from the mom who, if I remember correctly, came to her baby’s six month session with his clothes in vacuum sealed bags.

Logan is hysterically funny.. he had me laughing so many times!  He cried much less during this session.. (it probably had something to do with the cake).   Congrats to him on being the most efficient cake destroyer I have ever witnessed!

A huge thank you to Beth Pimental for the beautiful cake once again!

Newborn Tyler and Big Brother Michael | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Newborn Baby Photography

I had the pleasure of photographing beautiful Tyler and his adorable big brother Michael this morning!  The session started off a little embarrassingly (after falling and scratching my neck on the key left in my door, followed by spraying my seltzer water all over the place ten minutes later), but quickly improved as we began photographing!  This family is amazing.. from perfectly scattered freckles to super light skin, and  bright colorful eyes to photogenic personalities… I had a fantastic time.  I love all of the different families I get to meet in my job!  Thank you again for coming into the studio!

Nate | Fourteen Month Old On Location Baby Photographer

I should be paying them!  This boy needs to be in magazines!!  His hair and his eyes are remarkable, and although it was late in the day, he still showed his beautiful smile!

It is so funny that mom and dad booked me months ago for some “wintry” type photos.. and the session just happened to fall on a freakishly warm (61 degrees)  January day!