I am so happy that Miss Kate called me! Day thirteen… and she needed a photographer – QUICK! The next morning we were together to capture beautiful Miss Rosie. Thank you for letting me into your life…. I hope you enjoy your preview!
Fourteen Day New Niko | Rhode Island and Massachusetts (and Connecticut!!) Newborn Photographer
I took a trip down to Connecticut this morning to meet Little Nikolas and his family! When I first arrived I walked into a beautiful home with a wall of windows to view the deer in the backyard…
Niko slept and slept and slept… thanks kiddo!
Mom and Dad.. I hope you like your preview!
Mad Max | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Newborn Baby Photographer
Baby Gavin | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Baby Photographer
Baby Cyrus | Rhode Island and Massachusetts Baby Photographer
Six week to three month olds are becoming my favorite!! I have had a love of newborns for so long.. this change of pace has been exciting! Not only do they curl up and sleep so soundly, but they laugh… ohhhh how they laugh! Little Cyrus coo’ed and giggled, how could he not after he tinkled all over my lens??