Newborn Ava Grace | Rhode Island and Boston, MA Newborn Photography

““Your pregnant”, those are the words my husband Andrew and I had longed to here, occasionally thinking we may never hear them. On November 28th 2011 those are the exact words that we finally heard!!! For the next 41 weeks joy and delight filled my body, heart  and soul, my pregnancy with Ava was wonderful, I felt special and yes somedays I even felt that I was “glowing”. 
    Finally the day that my husband and I had been waiting anxiously for was upon us and in what seemed like a world wind, our lives were about to change forever.  it was a Tuesday at 5pm I was home alone and debating what to make for dinner. When heading into the kitchen, I felt it,  my water broke.  I immediately knew what was happening and could not stop smiling. I called my husband at work who rushed right home and we headed, astonishingly calm, to the hospital. 
    My Birth plan from the beginning was to try and “go with the flow”, I wanted certain things and was opposed to some but most of all I wanted the safest and best outcome for my daughter. I was induced at 11:30p.m on 8/7/12 and by 8:30 am I was in active labor. upon exam, Ava was still higher than they would have liked and was progressing slowly, if at all. By 5:30pm, and after 2 hours of pushing, not much progress had been made. At that point my water had broken 24 hours before and the doctors were afraid of infection. I had a temperature and Ava’s heart rate was elevated slightly. My doctor explained to me all the risks that would occur if I continued to push, I wasn’t willing to take that chance.  My Doctor, Husband and I had previously spoken about the possibility of c-section and this was now the time to make the decision. Although somewhat disappointed, I was not discouraged. This little girl was going to be in my arms somehow, someway. We did what we believed was best for little Ava and opted for the cesarean delivery. My husband changed into his scrubs and off we went to the OR.     Within 15 minutes I heard one of the sweetest sounds, the cry of our daughter!! Weighing 9lbs 2oz and 20 inches long. She did not cry for long, in fact she was all smiles. she was brought to me right away and immediately I felt a love I didn’t know existed, this was the greatest moment of my life! 

I want to remember every moment I have with my daughter, starting with the moments leading up to her birth. The anticipation, the excitement, the joy and unconditional love that I feel when I look at my daughter is something that has been explained to me before but I couldn’t understand until I held her in my arms.”